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Got your Spanish World Cup 2018 Football lingo ready?

The World Cup 2018 is full swing in Russia and we’re now at the knockout stage. Of the 16 countries left in five of them are from the Spanish speaking world. So you’re if keen to join in the Spanish community vibes and chat with some locals you’ll need to equip yourself with some imortant local slang. It's OK, we've got you:

ARGENTINA (For the Argentina vs France, 3pm 30 June)

¿Qué onda? – How’re things?

Che, ¿qué onda? 

Dude, what's up?

Era joda – That was a joke.

¡Pará, era joda, no te podés enfadar por eso! 

Stop it was a joke - you can't get angry about that!

Ser un capo – To be a dude.

-¿Conocés a Mario? 

– No ¿quién es? 

- Ese tipo era un capo, le tengo mucho respeto.

- Do you know Mario? 

- No, who's that?

- He was a dude, I have a lot of respect for him. 

URUGUAY (ready for Uruguay vs Portugal, 7pm 30 June)

Estoy hecho bolsa  – I'm feeling trashy.

¿Qué onda? ¿Salís hoy? – No, hoy estoy hecho bolsa.

What's up, are you coming out tonight? No, I'm feeling trashy. 

Nos dieron un baile – We lost.

¿Cómo estuvo el partido? – uh… ¡nos dieron un baile! Fue un desastre. 

How was the match? They beat us, it was a mess!

ESPAÑA (ready for Spain vs Russia, 3pm 1 July)

Ser pan comido – To be a piece of cake

El examen fue pan comido – todos aprobamos.

The exam was a piece of cake - we all passed. 

Andar con pies de plomo – to tread very carefully.

Más te vale andar con pies de plomo si no quieres buscarte un lío

You had better tread very carefully if you don't want trouble. 

No cuela – It doesn't wash.

Siempre utiliza la misma excusa, pero esta vez no cuela.

He always uses the same excuse but this time it doesn't wash. 

Mexico (ready for Mexico vs Brazil, 3pm 2 July)

El precopeo - The pre-party drinks.

Vamos a las 12 al antro, pero puedes llegar a mi casa a las 10 al precopeo .

We are going to the club at 12, but you can arrive to my house at 10 for pre-party drinks.

Un caballito - a type of shot.

Mezcal and tequila are served in a shot called caballito (literally: little horse).

¿Quieres un caballito?

Do you want a shot of tequila or mezcal.

Estar crudo/a - to be hungover.

Estoy crudo/a.

Literally means “I am raw” but it implies to be hungover.

COLOMBIA (ready for Colombia vs England, 7pm 3 July)

Ser la última cocacola del desierto - to be the next best thing since sliced bread

¿Qué onda con él? – Se cree la última cocacola del desierto.

What’s wrong with him – He thinks he’s the next best thing sliced bread.

Parchear – to meet friends.

La pasamos bien, esta fue una tarde parchadita.

We had fun, we hang out with friends.

Estar jincho – to be too drunk.

¡Está bien jincho, se pasó de tragos y no puede ni con su alma!

He is completely wasted, he had too many drinks and now he's completely gone!

So, there you’ve got a bit of local slang to join in with the pre-/post- match Spanish language partying during the World cup 2018 knockout stages - enjoy!

 - by Carla Jones


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