DOs profesoras enseñando los ingredientes.JPG

Join our next Level 1 in-person Social Spanish course


Level 1 Course Social classes

1. Sangria and conversation night

Spanish Beginner Lesson: Speed-friending.

Get meeting people and sharing information from the get go in a social lesson over sangria.

2. Cook Spanish tapas and explore ingredients

Spanish Beginner Lesson: Cooking

At the end of the season we get you out again - this time to our kitchens where you will learn to prepare amazing tapas and explore recipes. 

Got questions? Read our FAQs or contact the team. 

On a Stripey Spanish Social Spanish Level 1 course You'll:  . 

  • Enjoy two social lessons on each 10-week course;

  • weekly 1.5 hour lessons: mix of classroom lessons in our Camden classroom with events designed for practice and fun;

  • practise daily with memory app;

  • receive personalised feedback based on work you submit;

  • achieve an end of course certificate;

  • have catch-up tasks and resources if you miss a lesson;

  • use the Stripey Spanish Passport: a free booklet full of resources and a progress tracking tool.

The lingo you'll learn

By the end of Beginner Level 1 you will be able to:

  • Greet people and introduce yourself;

  • share your interests and introduce the people in it using regular verbs;

  • use some everyday Spanish slang, interact and use reactions in conversation;

  • use survival phrases to clarify the meaning and pronunciation of words;

  • describe a recipe and ingredients;

  • have a short conversation as part of our final social assessment.


Now enrolling *NEW START DATE*- Spring course, Mondays* 5.30-7pm, Monday 10 February
– Tuesday 15 April (10 weeks, 16 hours).

*Two classes are on Tuesday see breakdown below.

Your expenses for two immersive classes are are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now for spring classes below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Monday 17, 24, 31 March, 7 April  5.30-7pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Tuesday 15 April 7-9.30pm (5 weeks).

Enrol now below.

Now enrolling - Spring course, Tuesdays 7.45-9.15pm, Tuesday 11 February
– Tuesday 15 April (10 weeks, 16 hours).

Your expenses for the social classes are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Tuesday 18, 25 March, 1, 8 April 7.45-9.15pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Tuesday 15 April 7-9.30pm (5 weeks).

Event expenses ALL INCLUDED in cost.

Enrol now below.

SPRING OFFER: full programme for £296, £44 saved until midnight Sunday 9 February with code PRIMA25 at checkout.

LEVEL 1 spring Tuesday In person 5 week unit 2 only

Now enrolling - summer Early course, Tuesdays 6-7.30 pm, Tuesday 3 June
– Tuesday 19 August (10 classes, 17 hours).

Your expenses for the social classes are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now for summer classes below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 1: Meeting people with sangria and conversation night

Tuesday 3 June , 10 , 17, 24 June 6-7.30pm and sangria and speaking class Tuesday 1 July 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Mid course break

One week no classes: 7 July - 11 July

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Tuesday 15, 22, 29 July and 5 August 6-7.30pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Tuesday 19 August (No classes 12 August) 6-9pm (5 weeks).

Event expenses ALL INCLUDED in cost.

Enrol now below.

Earlybird offer: 12% off summer Social Spanish classes when you enrol by Sunday 13 April with code ‘EARLYBIRDSUMMER’ at checkout. Cost £299 (full £340, save £41).

LEVEL 1 summer EARLY In person 10-week course

Now enrolling - summer LATE course, Tuesdays* 7.45-9.15 pm, Tuesday 3 June
– Monday 18 August (10 classes, 17 hours).

*One class is on Monday see breakdown below.

Your expenses for the social classes are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now for summer classes below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 1: Meeting people with sangria and conversation night

Tuesday 3 June , 10 , 17, 24 June 7.45-9.15 and sangria and speaking class Tuesday 1 July 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Mid course break

One week no classes: 7 July - 11 July

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Tuesday 15, 22, 29 July and 5 August 7.45-9.15pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Monday 18 August (No classes 12 August) 6-9pm (5 weeks).

Enrol now below.

Earlybird offer: 12% off summer Social Spanish classes when you enrol by Sunday 13 April with code ‘EARLYBIRDSUMMER’ at checkout. Cost £299 (full £340, save £41).

LEVEL 1 summer LATE In person 10-week course

Now enrolling - Autumn Early course, Mondays* 6-7.30 pm, Monday 29 September
– Tuesday 16 December (10 classes, 17 hours).

*Classes all Mondays except one Tuesday event.

Your expenses for the social classes are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now for summer classes below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 1: Meeting people with sangria and conversation night

Monday 29 September 6, 13, 20 October 6-7.30pm and sangria and speaking class Monday 27 October 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Mid course break

One week no classes: 3-7 November

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Monday 10, 17, 24 November and 1 December 6-7.30pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Tuesday 16 August (No classes 9 December) 6-9pm (5 weeks).

Event expenses ALL INCLUDED in cost.

Enrol now below.

Earlybird offer: 12% off Autumn Social Spanish classes when you enrol by Sunday 3 August with code ‘EARLYBIRDAUTUMN’ at checkout. Cost £299 (full £340, save £41)..

LEVEL 1 EARLY autumn In person 10-week course

Now enrolling - Autumn LATE course, Mondays 7.45-9.15pm, Monday 29 September
– Monday 15 December (10 classes, 17 hours).

Your expenses for the social classes are ALL INCLUDED in the course cost.

Enrol now below.

Programme dates breakdown:

Unit 1: Meeting people with sangria and conversation night

Monday 29 September 6, 13, 20 October 7.45-9.15pm and sangria and speaking class Monday 27 October 7-9pm (5 weeks).

Mid course break

One week no classes: 3-7 November

Unit 2: Cook and talk about food with tapas cooking night

Monday 10, 17, 24 November and 1 December 7.45-9.15pm and an the immersive cooking and speaking class Monday 15 December (No classes 9 December) 7-9.30pm (5 weeks).

Event expenses ALL INCLUDED in cost.

Enrol now below.

Earlybird offer: £12% off Autumn Social Spanish classes when you enrol by Sunday 3 August with code ‘EARLYBIRDAUTUMN’ at checkout. Cost £299. (full £340, save £41).

LEVEL 1 LATE autumn In person 10-week course
Level 1 Course students complete their course at a Peruvian restaurant - in April 2019

Level 1 Course students complete their course at a Peruvian restaurant - in April 2019

Frequently Asked Questions

What's so different about your courses?

On our courses, unlike any other language course in the UK, we integrate two social outings with classroom-based learning. Over the ten-week course we get you out to central London venues speaking Spanish and learning new lingo. We also get you learning with a fully qualified teacher to provide you with a powerful self-assessment tool to track your own progress - the Stripey Spanish Passport. This course is like no other and is seriously shaking things up in the world of teaching - carefully crafted and implementing the best in language teaching approaches it's practical, social and effective. 

Are there additional costs?

No. Specialist tuition expenses for social lessons are all inclusive. You can BYOB at some events.

What level is the first course and do I need any prior knowledge?

The Level 1 course is for complete beginners - no previous knowledge of Spanish is required.

What's the teaching approach? 

The course is based on the communicative approach with a strong practical and social element. We also encourage meta-learning getting you to develop skills in how to learn a language and to be aware of your progress.  

  • We get you out to real places with fun events to get you speaking and listening to real Spanish in a social context;

  • the focus is on speaking and listening skills;

  • work in pairs and groups with others;

  • carry out mini challenges online each week to see your progress and apply your skills;

  • see the classroom come to life with games, role plays and real-life materials;

  • digital media and film used for learning;

  • use a group chat on your smartphone for practise between lessons;

  • benefit from peer and self-assessment alongside teacher-assessment to measure your progress;

  • you’ll be expected to participate in classroom activities and to complete tasks at home regularly.

What materials will I need?

We provide all worksheets andapp practise. You will not need to buy any additional resources.. 

What level should I start with?

We currently offer Level 1,  Level 2, Level 3, Levels 4 and  5. Try our 10-minute level test to help determine which level you should begin with. 

What if I have to miss a lesson?

If you know you may have to miss a lesson we've got you covered! Built into our courses are special catch-up packs with resources and activities that we send in advance to those that know they will be away for one or two lessons. On top of that we have an online platform which means you won't be too far from the action. 

However, if you think that you will miss more than two lessons contact us and speak to the crew about your options. 

How will my progress be assessed?

We believe quality feedback and assessment are important tools to propel you forward in your learning. We provide formative assessment in several ways on our courses:

1. Practical speaking role plays - the teacher listens to these and gives you feedback at the end of the course giving you feedback across a number of key indicators of progress.

2. The 'Stripey Spanish passport'  has comprehensive self-assessment guidance for you to measure your own ability and pinpoint areas you still need to work on.

3. Tests - simple vocab or grammar tests during the course.

Will I receive a certificate?

Yes, provided you have attended 70% of the course at the end of each course you will receive a Stripey Spanish certificate of attendance.