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Jessica and Jayon Get Speaking Social Spanish

You guys have been doing great. This week I got to thinking just how many people I’ve seen push off with their Spanish in the last nine months as we've developed our Social Spanish Nights.

Many people who came to our summer and autumn sessions had been studying with a smart phone app or attending traditional lessons and were crying out for social interaction. Why? It forces you to talk. There’s nothing like having a real communicative need (“quiero un vino” - “I’d like a glass of wine"!) to stimulate speech production! And another benefit? Memory. As lots who travel know, when you use language for real over and over again it tends to stick more effectively than when acquired in a comfy classroom a million miles away from its purpose. Lastly, of course, speaking Spanish socially is why most of us are in this game - why wait?!

Jessica and Jayon were two complete beginners who attended our Tapas Night in August. After two hours of learning new vocab, speaking and eating they were able to recall and confidently use a basic range of interactional speech. Check them out in this video:

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Afterwards Jessica said:

"I didn't think I would enjoy a Spanish lesson as much as this! I'm looking forward to going into work and showing off my new Spanish skills!”

This is what we do it for: seeing people like Jessica and Jayon develop new language skills and get speaking from the get go. 

Now that we’ve launched our regular weekly Social Spanish Nights, there is no excuse not to dive straight in and get speaking. Whether you’ve been working with an app, in a classroom or are a complete beginner, when you get practising for real you’ll see your new lingo come to life. 

Coming up

Mexican Street food + Spanish | Wednesday 8 February | 6.30-9pm | Tube: Angel |  £30

Speed-friending + Spanish | Wednesday 15 February | 6.30-9pm | Tube: Angel | £30

Spanish Theatre + Spanish | Saturday 18 February | Tube: Southwark | £30

Tasting Tapas Recipes + Spanish | Wednesday 22 February | Tube: Tottenham Court Road | £30

- Carla