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5 Handy Spanish Idioms

Happy Friday!

Here are 5 Spanish Idioms that you’re bound to use at some point:

1. Te conozco bacalao aunque vengas disfrazado.

(I know you Codfish; even though you’re in disguise).

I know what your little game is.

2. Andar pisando huevos.

(To walk stepping on eggs).

To tread on thin ice.

3. Tener el sartén por el mango.

(To have the frying pan by the handle).

To run the show.

4. Caerse de su burro.

(To fall from your donkey).

To admit one’s mistake.

5. Reir con risa de conejo.

(To laugh with the laughter of a rabbit).

To force a laugh.

Don’t forget you can always practice these idioms at our Spanish Nights!

You can also have a look at our Mexican Foodie Idioms here